So I've been having a rough time lately. My health has been bad - my illnesses acting up. And it is probably because I've been pretty stressed out at work - we had some pretty major software problems, then trying to get caught up after it was back, some really tight deadlines with the delay and now working on year end stuff. Its been hard mentally and its been hard on my body as well. This past week especially. I've been crashing as soon as I get home, and I still get SO exhausted during the day. Unfortunately I've also had a lot of pain, specifically in my knees.
But I'm clinging to the Lord. This is probably the busiest time of year at work, so this will pass. And this health slump will also pass. Its just a stage of life I have to deal with and it will be okay.
On the positive side, God did a fun thing in my life this past week. As most of you already know, I've been trying so hard to figure out what church to settle into and find a young adults group to attend. Well, I went to this one group starting last week, and I've started to connect with this female, approximately my age-- and while we were talking, we found out that we both have the same type of illness! What an incredible God thing that is!! Honestly the chances of that happening are crazy. Amazing!
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