August 31, 2013

"Get My Name off of that!"

So sometimes when I'm still awake, I turn on Jay Leno around 11:35 to hear his opening monologue, which can be quite funny. He often comments on things in the news, but puts his own comedic twist on it. It is just entertainment and sometimes it isn't all that appropriate, but sometimes they are quite funny.

This one in particular made me laugh - it is from Friday night August 30th.

I tried to find a video of it but I didn't have any luck so here's a little transcript of it.

Jay says:
"Hey did you hear about this?
Because of a big printing problem, the government had to get rid of $30,000,000 worth of $100 bills.
Apparently the printing problem was the phrase "In God We Trust".
Apparently God said, "Hey, you're 16 Trillion dollars in debt, get my name off of that! GET MY NAME OFF OF THAT!""


I found that to be quite amusing.

August 26, 2013


Take a listen to Dara Mclean's new song. This one hits home hard for me.

August 22, 2013

He IS With Me.

Sometimes, music is the best way to express whats going on with me.

August 14, 2013


Check our Mandisa's new song.