February 12, 2012

Jesus, Religion and the Church

Video Number One:

Is the Church really such a negative? If the church is filled with people who love Jesus, then where did the church "go wrong"?
Check out the next video posted in response.
Video Number Two:

Jesus spent years with the disciples - what was the core of His teaching to them? What does it really mean to be a student of Jesus?

3 Characteristics of an Authentic Follower:
1. Loving others - An evidence of growing in Christ is steadily increasing humble love for others. We should be agents of the greatest love ever expressed to the world. Love assumes the best in people. Hate assumes the worst.
2. Bearing Fruit - starts out personal - developing the fruit of the Spirit and then out of that character will flow a person who is actively engaged in making a difference in the world.
3. Abiding in Jesus and His Word - discipleship begins in me. Mold and shape yourself after Jesus - don't get to the end and look back and say, what a waste.

It is not these authentic followers that give religion and the church a bad name.
He is talking about hypocrisy.
It begins with me. It begins with you.
Video Number Three:


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