April 10, 2011

Sunday Reflections

So I went to my new home church again this morning, and the sermon was awesome. It is just what I needed to hear today. The pastor was talking about the story of Lazarus, which is a story I've heard a hundred times, but today the Lord really spoke to me. Let me share:

Dawning is the Day - Part 1
The Heart of God
John 11:1-44

-God uses turning points in life to strengthen our faith and relationship with Him.
-vs. 4 Its for the glory of God so that the Son of God may be glorified through it.

-When Jesus heard about Lazarus, He waited. Sometimes He is silent when I need Him the most. Sometimes it feels as though He is not acting as quickly as I want Him to. I want Him to swoop in now. But it doesn't happen that way. Why?
-vs.14 So that you may believe.
-He is deepening the faith in these moments.

-vs. 35 Jesus wept with them.
-He will weep with me. He is deeply troubled also, He doesn't cut himself off from the situation. Even Him, the Son of God, who holds all the power, the keys to resurrection and salvation- even He took time out to cry. Why?
-He is a personal relational God who knows the deepest longing of our heart and in our hardest moments, he kneels beside me, wraps his arms around me and cries with me.

-He waited 4 days to show his power.
-vs.41 Father, thank you for hearing me. Let everyone around believe.
-In the difficult circumstances Jesus is deepening the faith of those around.

This story reveals God's heart:
1. Death and Sin evoke the anger of God.
2. Jesus weeps with us.
3. Turning points are part of our story - we want them to go away but God uses them to deepen our faith in a way that nothing else could.

But remember:
Even if there's no miracle afterwards, God's heart is still the same. He is here, weeping with me; and He's the one carrying me when I can't stand on my own.


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