February 27, 2011
Little Pilgrim's Progress: Part 1
So I finally finished reading Part 1 of John Bunyan's classic Pilgrim's Progress. (Of course, I've been reading "Little Pilgrim's Progress" which is a version in more modern English for younger readers!) And I thought I would share a few quotes I've pulled out of the book.
"Never mind what people say. If you are one of the King's pilgrims, you are quite safe. You may find the road long and hard, but if you keep on bravely, you will come to the City at last, and then you will forget your trouble because you will be so glad to see the King."
"How long will it take me to get there?
I can't tell you that, for some people, the journey is longer than for others. But if you love and obey the King, He will be sure to guide you to the City at the right time."
"He is one of the King's enemies, thought Christian, and he will try to hurt me. What shall I do? At first the thought he would turn around and run...but then he remembered that he had no armour for his back and that his breastplate and shield would be of no use to him unless he faced his enemey. So he determined to trust in the King and go straight on."
"Faithful replied to Talkative: It does matter. If you talk so much about loving the King, you ought to serve HIm very well indeed."
"Christian determined to be brave too. He remmebered the picture of the Prince. He is our Prince, thought Christian, and He did not mind the pain. I must not either, because I am the King's servant, and it is written in my Book that the King's servants are to be like the Prince. And, although the strokes of the heavy rod made His back and arms feel terribly sore and bruised, He behaved like a brave solider and did not cry at all.
"The King will watch over you, and whenever you need a friend to help you, He will send somebody."
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