December 30, 2011
Christmas with the Family!
All I can say is, Christmas was great!!! I love my family so much. Here are some pictures that capture some of the great moments - especially moments with Evan and Chewie!

December 19, 2011
December 16, 2011
Christmas Parties
December 10, 2011
Book Review: Telling Yourself the Truth

I've recently finished reading the book "Telling Yourself the Truth" by William Backus and Marie Chapian. I'd like to share a few points from the book.
-The misbeliefs we tell ourselves are directly from the pit of hell. They are hand engraved and delivered by the devil himself. James 3:15 This superficial wisdom is not such as comes down from above but is earthly, unspiritual even devilish.
-Our lives have been bought and paid for with the blood of Jesus Christ and that means we are free from the pressure to be something, do something, own something, achieve something, or prove something in order to be important and loved.
- The Bible does not teach us to please everybody on earth. It does not tell us to work overtime trying to get people to love us. Jesus never told us to go out and take a course in how to get people to like us. He told us to love HIM, trust HIM, have faith in HIM, glorify HIM and to genuinely care about others. Jesus wasn't devastated by what others thought of Him because He kept His eyes on the Father and doing His will.
-Dear Lord, thank you for giving me emotions. I'm thankful I can feel pain as well as joy. Thank you for setting me free from being a victim of my own emotions. Thank you for caring deeply about me even though I'm sometimes unaware of it. I choose now, in the mighty name of Jesus, to speak the truth to myself instead of misbeliefs. I am yours and so are my emotions.