Let me tell you a little story.
Saturday my internet was working fine and then all of a sudden, it stopped working. I tried restarting the computer, unplugging the router and modem, try resetting each, multiple times. And it wouldn't work. I was frustrated cause I knew that meant that I had to call the lovely people at Rogers. Wonderful. So I got talking to a tech guy and he did some tests on the connection and he couldnt figure out why it wasn't working. So he said he would schedule a technician to come to my place. And then he told me the next available time was TUESDAY between 5 and 8. Wonderful...3 whole days away. So I got the appointment scheduled and hung up.
Now, this is where I want to make my point. You see, this is exactly the kind of situation that would drive me absolutely nuts, get me all upset and riled up and end with me crying or yelling - none of which actually helps the situation. But I didn't. I tried to stay calm. I tried to remember that internet isn't that important and its not a big deal to not have internet for a few days. And that is my point. I didn't do those things I usually do. Why? Cause of the Lord! I'm serious! That is evidence of the Lord working in my life and working on my emotions! He's helping me see the bigger picture and learn to let the little things go. He is working in me and slooowly making me more and more like Him! And that's just my little story.
And, how about this - when I got back from my baseball party that night, my internet was working!
August 22, 2011
August 10, 2011
1 Year!

This is just a really quick post to say that today is officially my one year anniversary of being back to work after my health crisis. Praise the Lord! I made it 1 year!
Look how far I've come... long way to go still but I need to remember to focus on the progress and be thankful for that! God gets all the glory, that's for sure!
August 7, 2011
August 3, 2011
Summer Vacation!
I drove all the way up to Sudbury with Chewie and spent a couple days there there with Mark, Averil, Evan, Mom, Dad and Kristi. Then we all headed over to the cottage. I had to come back home to return to work on the 2nd but everyone else including Chewie spent a couple extra days at the cottage and then back over to Sudbury for the rest of the week. Although it was too short, it was a really nice holiday.
Here are some pictures!

Here are some pictures!
August 2, 2011
Point Pelee!
August 1, 2011

I have committed myself to reading my ESV Bible through in 1 year - this time in chronological order.
I did it in 1 year in my first year of university cause I wanted to make sure that I stayed committed to Christ and His Word while facing all the stupid trash that happens in residence, and praise the Lord- I completed it. But that was a long time ago now and I want to make a public commitment to do this again.
So next year, at the end of July, Lord willing I will report back that I successfully completed my year's commitment to Christ and His direction to hide His Word in my heart!